Prom Dress - mxmtoon

NAME Parmousan "Parmy"
AGE Adult
HEIGHT Tall Toon
BIRTHDAY November 13th, Scorpio
Questioning - Being unsure of one's identity.


Seemingly the sole toon working at Mozzarella Styx Pizzareia. Parmy does not appear to be as friendly as many of her Brrrgh counterparts, but that's mostly due to her intense anxiety. She wants conversations to be over as soon as possible, so Parmy may appear to be blunt or closed off in her efforts to finish them up.

It's normal to see her fidgeting with her dress, or tie, or some pizza-making equipment. In truth, a lot of her emotions are left to boil inside of her until they eventually burst. The way she handles those feelings? Going out and punching some cogs. She's not a fighter, and really hates it, but sometimes things have to be taken care of....

Parmy's a girl with a lot on her plate, from the cog mafia, to the Toon Resistance getting on her, to customers who just won't quit. It feels like the world is crashing around this poor mouse. Still she trudges on, for the sake of keeping the pizzareia alive. Because what else can she do?




Their relationship is, odd. They aren't seen together all that much (for the sake of both of their reputatoins) but they seem to tolerate one another. It's through Parmy that the Plutocrat can have a business that caters to both cogs and toons, and it's because of the Plutocrat that Parmy doesn't have to deal with cog-shenanigans. A balance they both understand.


Parmy talks to the Satellite Investors much more than the Plutocrat himself. She gets along fairly well with most of them, and is neutral with the ones she DOESN'T get along with too well. She's far more willing to stick her neck out for the sake of them, and she can only hope they'd do the same for her.


Two toons wrapped up in cog business. It was only natural they'd find out about each other eventually. Lukah is like a place of solace for Parmy, a reminder that she isn't completely insane. But Lukah seems so happy, so upbeat, it's like she kept her tooniness somehow... And Parmy is just a little jealous of that.


Byte is a Mozzarella Styx regular, and one that makes it VERY clear. They always order the same thing, sometimes coming in for a round of fighting hte boss, but every discussion with him is like a gamble. Byte kind of bothers Parmy, but not in a way that would cause her to be upset with them. At the end of the day, xe is a paying customer after all.


It is, unfortunately, hard to dislike Ruby. Ruby lives the life Parmy wishes she had so SO badly, and Ruby doesn't even know it! She still is in contact with her family, she's blissfully unaware of the depths of C.O.G.S Inc. it's almost shocking just how ideal her life is. And yet, Parmy still gives a smile whenever she's nearby, not sure how to cope with the feelings she has.


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