Brotherswing - Caravan Palace

NAME Backenforth
AGE Older than you'd think.
HEIGHT 5'9/179 cm
OCCUPATION Railway Agent
BIRTHDAY January 30th, Aquarius
Aromantic - Lacking romantic attraction.
M-Spec - Umbrella term for orientations with attraction to multiple genders


The girl without a worry in the world. Backenforth spends most of her days lazing about and not doing much work at all. Her time not on The Centaurus is spent doing frivolous things, like shopping or eating out. Her demeanor matches this life style perfectly; Backenforth is someone who is lax and never stresses about anything.

She wants to make others feel just as good as she does. Often this will involve her bringing along people to do the fun activities she loves so much. However her carelessness has a habit of causing more trouble than it does stop, and rarely can Backenforth get out of said trouble. She can even cause trouble back at home, as Backenforth doesn't have much of a filter.

Backenforth is somewhat of mystery just like the other two. She appears unassuming and somewhat straight-forward of a person, but in truth there isn't much that is known about Backenforth. Maybe there's a reason for this... Or Backenforth just can't bring herself to care to explain herself. Either option is plausible.




Backenforth gets along pretty well with Polaris. She was expecting someone a little more... uptight, but has absolutely no complaints about Polaris. It's easy to make him laugh, which Backenforth revels in. Even though Polaris isn't a super rigid individual, Backenforth still thinks she needs a chill pill.


A little surprised, but unbothered by their "rivalry." Backenforth thinks Henundher is alright, too strict for her but alright nonetheless. She can respect the grind. But, Henundher really thinks they can come into her space and tell her how to life her life? Nah, Backenforth is just gonna do her own thing and COMPLETELY ignore them.


Finds her easy to pick on, in a loving way of course. Marley reeks of insecure teenager, which is something even the most unobservant (like Backenforth) can notice. However, in her eyes the best way to get out of that shell is to do it yourself. So Backenforth doesn't force anything, but she always offers.


It's nice to see someone so accepting of her fun habits. Unfortunately Lillia is a little too much for Backenforth. She couldn't imagine anyone having that kind of energy, much less someone like herself. Occasionally she will indulge in whatever Lillia has planned for her, but tends to be a stick in the mud for no real reason.


Backenforth never really cared about her professionalism, but Saya does. In a way Saya is like a little Henundher... and Lord knows we don't need more of them. It doesn't matter much, Backenforth is so set in her ways that nothing could change her mind. It's unstoppable force meets unmovable objects.


Disco is an enigma, his behaviors are completely irrational to Backenforth. He almost upsets her, almost. She seeks to put him in his place at every chance, so dropping some snide remarks at him are an absolute must. One should probably be a little more afraid of what Disco can do, but Backenforth doesn't seem to care. Typical.


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