Many centuries ago, interdimensional travel was discovered. Created by seven individuals who had been rejected from their own dimensions, the Interdimensional Railroad Company (IRC) has promised to provide refuge and safety to those who have been cast out from their homes. The only catch is that one must give their time to the IRC in some way.

Since the start, trains have always been the preferred mode of transportation. Steam locomotives, sleek monorails, anything works here. These trains serve countless purposes depending on what the conductor wishes for. Transport of people or items, games, parties, and in the case of The Centaurus: helping other people.

Marley has always dreamed of being whisked away on a magical adventure. After all, her real life isn't the best. Her constant moving leaves her isolated from others, her family lacks care towards her or her feelings, she herself has found developing a normal life to be totally impossible. But when she stumbles upon The Centaurus, things start to look up. Finally, a solution in the form of an escape from the life she loathes!

If only things were that simple...



Talking about the multiverse is a sticky situation in stories. In simple terms: universes get more similar the closer they are to one another. The farther out you go, the more different they will get. The IRC operates in different "slices" of the multiverse, but the characters will primarily only be from/operating in one "slice." Hence why they seem to speak a common language, and can breathe just fine.


The primary method of travel for those looking to go between dimensions. Has been this way since the original Trainmasters. It's not impossible to find people using other modes of transport, but it is rare. Trains have always been in style.


Backstories may contain themes of abuse and bullying.

da main ones

da supporting ones

da other ones