fake!fake! - a crow is white

NAME Marlene "Marley" Whitfield
AGE 16-19
HEIGHT 5'4/162 cm
BIRTHDAY March 20th, Pisces
Ace-Spec - Being on the asexual spectrum in some way.
M-Spec - Umbrella term for orientations with attraction to multiple genders.


A girl who tries her best to be as amicable as possible even though Marley is, by no means, a social person. In fact she is the exact opposite. Marley will actively avoid other people for as long as she sees fit. There is no rhyme or reason to why she does this, it is just how she is.

She is very kept to herself. Only speaking if spoken to, and rarely emoting beyond a neutral face of mild displeasure. When talking about what she loves, however, Marley becomes almost a whirlwind of emotion. She could go on and on forever... if not for her own self doubt.

It's a miracle Marley managed to get herself on The Centaurus, a job where you HAVE to talk to people, but perhaps even she knew the call to adventure was too loud to ignore.




A little unnerved by her existence. Still, how could you not respect the person who willingly let you on their train? At the same time, how could you not be unnerved by a walking-talking-clock-toy-thing? Marley isn't very good at reading Polaris most of the time, but she tries hard nonetheless to live up to his seemingly high expectations.


Only mildly bothered by them. Mildly. It's not a genuine bother but it is a little frustration. Don't get Marley wrong, Henundher is nice and Marley knows they're only looking out for her... but man they can get really annoying about it. It's usually Henundher dragging Marley out of her room for janitorial work anyways.


So realistically Backenforth should be Marley's favorite. She's chill, doesn't really care what Marley does, and let's them do fun things like go to the mall. However Backenforth's lack of care almost upsets Marley more than Henundher's caring-too-much. And that teasing attitude often goes too far sometimes... okay, most of the time.


Suspecting that she would hate them, Marley initially kept her distance from Lillia. However once Lillia gets an idea... she's going and going and going until she can't anymore. Lillia has a lot of overlapping interests with Marley, which allowed her to open up easier. Marley would probably call Lillia her best friend on The Centaurus.


To Marley, Saya is like Henundher but somewhat more bearable. Saya tends to stay in her own lane, which is something Marley does too. However Marley can't help but feel like something is up with that little robot... does she ever stop working? At the same time, Marley is not the comforting type.


Disco... where to start with Disco. It's hard to categorize their relationship as "friendly" because most of their rare interactions are usually unkind. And even though Marley doesn't start fights she always finishes them, as much as it makes her feel really bad. Disco is still a co-worker though, and Marley at least wants to be amicable with him.


When the life of The Centaurus gets to be too much for Marley, there's always Min Ji. Min Ji is like the mix of cool and cooler that a lot of Marley's favorite characters have as well. From the start, Marley was drawn to her. When not at The Centaurus you can usually find Marley sitting around Min Ji with wide eyes, listening to whatever she's talking about today.


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