Destruction - Joywave

NAME Disco-Tech
AGE 16-19 (Human Years)
HEIGHT 5'8/172 cm
BIRTHDAY September 16th, Virgo
M-Spec - Umbrella term for orientations with attraction to multiple genders.


Far from the friendly faces of his co-workers, Disco always wears a permanant scowl. Nothing seems to live up to his high yet mysterious standards. Nobody except himself of course. Yes, Disco believes that his work and contributions has much more value than the creations of others. And he will make that very clear should you speak to him.

Speaking to him is easier said than done though. Disco doesn't say or do much, and getting a response from him is rare. For the most part he remains lost in his personal little world where EDM music is constantly blaring. This is much to the annoyance of everyone else who can very clearly hear him. His consideration of others isn't too prevalent.

Disco knows he's pretty intimidating, and he's not above using it to get his way. It's a complete surprise to everyone that Polaris and the Railway Agents refuse to get rid of him. There has to be something that they see in him that nobody else does. Well they clearly MUST have X-Ray vision because they are looking DEEP inside of his personality.




While he appears rather disrespectful towards Polaris most of the time, he can't deny the gratefulness he feels towards them. Although that does not inherently mean he will listen to her. It's even harder for Polaris since Disco is a master of ignoring all forms of communication... even if they aren't verbal.


If anyone can keep Disco in line, it's Henundher of all people. For some reason, Henundher knows just what to say to get Disco to turn his music down a little, or dim his lights. Disco hates that Henundher can do that, but obliges nonetheless. Their stuck-up attitude drives him crazy, especially because they're just a massive suck-up in general.


Perhaps the most annoying of all is Backenforth. For some reason she ALWAYS has something to say to him, and it usually isn't very nice. It's said in the manner of someone who thinks they know you better than you know yourself. Although imagine if that person might actually have a point, and you can't ever think of a counter to them.


Almost pities Marley in a weird twisted way. She just showed up in this chaotic world and can't seem to get herself to come out of her shell. In a way she kind of reminds Disco of himself... only a lot LESS cool that's for sure. Although this means that Marley gets a little less of a verbal beating than anyone else.


He utterly hates how Lillia treats him. It's unfair, and completely humiliating. So it's typical to find the two of them barking at each other over the smallest of disagreements. Disco takes everything she says extremely personally in a way that Lillia does not... so things tend to seem more aggressive from Disco's point of view.


As the stewards who have known each other the longest, there is a small amount of mutual respect there. That does not mean Disco treats Saya much better than anyone else. It's a little better, but not that much. As in he is usually nagged for his unique forms of self expression by Saya, which Disco really hates.


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