Speed of Sound - Coldplay

NAME Henundher
AGE Older than you think.
HEIGHT 5'8/172 cm
OCCUPATION Railway Agent
BIRTHDAY May 13th, Taurus
Non-Binary - Any gender identity that is not exclusively man or woman.
Asexual - Lacking Sexual Attraction.
M-Spec - Umbrella term for orientations with attraction to multiple genders.


A being of pride and theatrics, Henundher calls to the spotlight and it answers with every beck and call. Being (almost) in charge is like second nature to them. You'll probably find them managing the stewards and barking orders at any poor soul willing to listen. It's their way or the high way! Once Henundher has their mind set on things, you can't change their mind.

They're the mind of The Centaurus, constantly finding the most efficent way to do things. Very prideful of their work, Henundher simply insists that their way is the best. Often they'll take the reins of a situation just to do things how they think it should be done. Their control freak attitude borders on disturbing as they tend to throw fits of rage when not given the oppurtunity to do their thing.

However, they are typically upbeat and with a friendly face. They know Polaris likes The Centaurus to be peaceful and welcoming, so Henundher wants that to be how The Centaurus is as well. But old habits die hard, and the uptightness that Henundher has been carrying for years has never wavered no matter what anyone else (or Henundher themselves) wants.




Best friends since forever. Polaris was the one who convinced Henundher to join it on The Centaurus. If anyone can make make Henundher feel more grounded, it is absolutely Polaris. It's rare to not see Henundher talk about the conductor in question, as he's their cited reason for doing lots of things. Perhaps there might be an explanation for this behavior.


When the duo first met, they were known to be rivals. Well, one-sided rivals, on Henundher's side. Henundher cannot stand Backenforth's lackadaisical attitude towards work, and writes it off as simple laziness. If anyone gets on Henundher's easily-get-on-able nerves it's Backenforth. Despite this, you can find the two of them hanging out frequently... seemingly against Henundher's will.


Partially motivated by concern and partially motivated by frustration, Henundher makes a habit out of being the one to drag Marley out of her room. Sometimes literally. Living you life cooped up in your room is no way to live! That is a true and noble statement, but the way Henundher goes about it leaves... room for improvement.


As a closet video game nerd, Henundher is oddly drawn towards Lillia. The way they show it is usually some form of nagging them to stop overwhelming their passengers, but it is a friendly nod nonetheless. Despite Lillia's odd work ethic, Henundher can't deny that The Centuarus needs someone like Lillia on board.


Two workaholics, what could possibly go wrong? Well not that much actually. Henundher breathes a sigh of relief when Saya is around, because they know she has a similar mindest as to them. It's nice to have someone you don't need to bark at for not doing enough! But sometimes Saya makes Henundher want to do a little self reflection.


Henundher is often the one who has to keep Disco in line. It seems like they know just what to say to keep him from getting a little too rebellious. They respect him sure, but his constant ignorance of the rules bothers Henundher a lot. They have mixed feelings on Disco, but try to at least keep it professional between them.


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