Wonder - ODDEEO

NAME PSY-A MN. 066 "Saya"
AGE 16-19 (Human Years)
HEIGHT 4'5/134 cm
OCCUPATION Maid, Steward
BIRTHDAY June 6th, Gemini
Transgender - Gender identity that is different to that of your gender assigned at birth.
M-Spec - Umbrella term for orientations with attraction to multiple genders.


As any dutiful maid would be, Saya is kind yet incredibly hard working. There isn't a day on The Centaurus you can find Saya doing anything but the chores nobody else wants to do. To most this would look like torture, but to Saya this is just her typical life. And boy, does she LOVE her life. In her eyes, there would be no better way to spend your time.

Saya means well, but that doesn't mean she can never be overbearing. More often than not her attempts to gently push others towards their best efforts looks more like a forceful shove. Saya is made for a lot more than what more organic life forms can do, and in all honest she doesn't talk to a lot of organic life forms so it's not like she would know that.

Her kindness extends to everyone no matter how cruel they might be. Truth be told, Saya probably doesn't quarrel with many people. This is at least partially due to her tendency to let other people have their way, even if she strongly disagrees with them. Her doormat tendencies, despite whatt Saya will tell you, causes more trouble than it does stop.




Extremely grateful for their hospitality. If it wasn't for Polaris, Saya wouldn't have had so many opportunities to be herself. Saya is usually the one doing the most for her train, which does not go unnoticed by Polaris. It's a little concerning how much she's willing to do for Polaris in all honesty.


Two workaholics, what could possibly go wrong? Well not that much actually. Saya is probably closest to them out of all the upper management in The Centaurus. Saya both admires and fears how much Henundher does... She wants to be just like them someday! Although maybe that isn't the best aspiration to have... but don't tell her that though.


Saya tries very hard to not become annoyed at anyone, but Backenforth REALLY tests her on that. She's always sitting around doing nothing! And Saya acknowledges that maybe, just maybe, she's doing some super important behind the scenes work... but that doesn't excuse the clear unprofessional display she shows off!


Perpetually confused by Marley, but at the same time infinitely curious about her. She's new so Saya can't say she knows much, but any Centaurus employee is a friend of Saya's! Marley's antisocial behavior is offputting to Saya, she's never met anyone quite like Marley. At least in the personality department.


There aren't many complaints to make about Lillia. On the other hand, they're always trying to drag Saya away from her precious work hours. Saya has little interest in what Lillia does, but she does respect it. Still Saya is always amicable with Lillia. Even though sometimes Lillia goes on and on about things Saya doesn't really get.


Nothing screams "nuisance" more like Disco-Tech. The loud music, eye-bleedingly bright colors, and general attitude bother Saya to no end. She's always telling him off for these activities... but rarely does more than that. She doesn't even snitch to Polaris or anyone like that! Maybe there's some hidden respect for him... or it's just Saya being a pushover again.


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