welcome 2 the dungeon...
... also known as my website!
!!! be warned.... i have not made this site mobile friendly. it could break or look weird. !!!
this is ur only warning :P
i am also redoing LITERALLY EVERYTHIIIIING rn so expect broken links and incoherent styles.
this is for all things me! from things i like to things i've made, its allll here. we got the ART and the OCs and the COMMS and the FUN.
the fun's my favorite part :3
gallery - about my characters - comms - fun (CONTAINS FLASHING IMAGERY) - resources
my sleepy ass forgot to record the old updates OOPS site anniversary is march 10th though. redux project begun on january 22nd
my beautiful button....... you can link my site and i can link yours back if you let me know you did the thing. the linking thing.
it is quiet large.jpg. you can set the max-height to 31 px and it should slot itself in nicely with the other buttons.